Jamcin's Linus and Whitmore Farms Blue Jean
Twin, white banded, blue bucklings for Jean. Born March 5th, these boys are almost identical ! They should mature to be larger bucklings as both mom and dad are large. Denim has Marbled Blue eyes and Desi has Olive Green eyes.
Both are SOLD
Gardienne's Bijoux and
Fallen and Can't Get Up Teiga
Twin doelings for Tiega. One is White and Strawberry Blonde, the other White and Black (she may well lighten to Chocolate like mom!). Born March 10, pictures are at 24 hrs old! Both should remain close to mini size.
Both are being retained for now.
Gardienne's Bijoux and ASE Violet
Violet has graced us with two awesome bucklings born March 17th. A peacock patterned, Black and White that looks just like his dad, and peacock patterned tri-color. Violet and Bijoux are both small goats and may certify as minis when they reach 3 years old. Both parents and both kids have CRYSTAL blue eyes!
Deja Vu is SOLD
Desparado is being retained
Jamcin's Linus and Whitmore Farm Blue Skye
Twin Doelings for Skye born March 20th!
A black doeling with a partial white underbelly band and a white banded, dark blue doeling just like her mom and Aunt Jean. Both have blue marbled/greenish eyes.
Due to the loss of Mom, both girls are being retained.
Gardienne Wings
Heritage & Exotic Fowl
Gardienne Myotonic Goats
Sumerduck, VA 22742
Visitors welcome by appointment only!
Email: GardienWings@aol.com