For those interested in hatching their own chicks, whether in an incubator or under a broody hen, we offer fertile hatching eggs. Eggs can be shipped via Priority Mail at the cost of shipping +
$2.50 per dozen to cover packing materials. Use our contact form to get a price quote on the quantity of eggs you would like shipped to you.
We have varying numbers of each breed and the number of eggs per day also varies.Please contact us for max quantities available of each breed/color at the time you want them. Dozens can be
Chicken Hatching Eggs - Limited Availabliity
Ameraucana / Blue, Black together
French Copper Marans / Blue, Black together
Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rocks
$5.00 ea
$50 doz
Other Fowl Eggs (Seasonal Layers)
Muscovy Ducks $2.00
African Geese $5.00
Saddleback Pomeranian Geese $10.00
Sebastopol Geese $15.00
Turkeys: NOTE 2022 only Barnyard Mix Turkey eggs are available
Turkey Varieties: Bourbon Red, Heritage Bronze, Royal Palm, Blues $4.00
NOTE: We only sell/ship fertile, hatching eggs that are less than 4 days old. We cannot guarantee the hatchablity of eggs due to the many variables in incubators, storage,
and handling once they leave our farm. On shipped eggs, we consider a 50% hatch an excellent hatch. If you have a poor hatch, talk to us and we'll see what can be done.