Gardienne Farm, LLC: t/a Gardienne Wings & Gardienne Myotonic Goats
Gardienne Farm, LLC: t/a Gardienne Wings & Gardienne Myotonic Goats



New pullets arriving as day olds in May!

Available mid-July!

Pasture Raised Laying Hens

For those that "Just want a few eggs a day"

We have found that there is a definite market for "Just Laying Hens" where people (usually new to chickens) want to have a few hens for egg laying and really don't care about breed or quality, but do care about the price. These are the people that often get "scammed" into buying 2 yr old sex-links that are done or about done laying, or meat birds that are not going to be good layers.


To meet this need, in 2014 we began raising hatchery pullets in a variety of common Heritage breeds in a pasture setting, apart from our breeder pens. This will allow us to offer $15-20 laying hens in the Summer and Fall where we cannot selectively breed, maintain carefully culled flocks, and raise purebred pullets to sell at this low of a price. These are usually sold out by mid-summer so in 2022 we will receive 2 batches in May and in Sept.


The breeds arriving in our 2022 May order will be, Speckled Sussex, Light Brahma, Dominique, White Plymouth Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Barred Rock, and Wesummer. Due to the wide variety ordered aonly a few birds of eac type will be available.  All are excellent laying breeds and will produce a nice colorful egg supply. We expect to start having them available for sale the middle of July at 8 weeks old. We DO take pre-orders with payment in full. All preorders will need to be picked up by the 1st of Aug.


Note, we are buying these as day old PULLETS from the hatchery. They always send about 5% roos in a pullet order so a few of these pullets may grow up and crow! We stand behind the sale and if you get a roo sold as a pullet from us, let us know and we will work with you to make it right. (This is one of the reasons we don't sell prior to 8 weeks old.)


Where to Find Us:

Gardienne Wings

             Heritage & Exotic Fowl
 Gardienne Myotonic Goats


         Sumerduck, VA 22742


Visitors welcome by appointment only!


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